Check out our latest research report that analyses Science-to-Policy-to-Society Interfaces (SPSI) in ocean governance!

Science-to-Policy-to-Society Interfaces can be defined as “social processes which encompass relations between scientists and other actors in the policy process, and which allow for exchanges, coevolution, and joint construction of knowledge with the aim of enriching decision making” in a certain geographical domain and on certain policies / policy areas.

The CrossGov activities on SPSI in ocean governance aim to analyse how efficiently and effectively SPSIs can contribute to sound policy-making and decision-making, focusing on coherence and cross-compliance (C&CC) of selected and Green Deal-related marine policies.

Deliverable 1.4 represents the guidance document on the procedure for a step-by-step SPSI analysis in CrossGov research, to be used in WP2 (Coherence in policy landscapes and design) and WP3 (Case studies of cross-compliance) as a component of the coherence and cross-compliance analysis (Deliverable 1.3).

Read the full document here.

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